Unwanted Guest Post

When Rob started this blog he made it abundantly clear that he would solely be responsible for all content; while he gave me editing rights, I was certainly not to use them. However, everything happened so fast – too fast – so I’ve been left with no other option than to break the rules and make a (most unwanted) guest post. I’ll keep it relatively short because I know he’s up there grading our efforts and he is a very tough grader.

Rob had been home and had been having a string of good days when everything changed suddenly. After a weekend of family, friends, football, food and even a take out date night, Rob passed away on Monday, November 16th. Through a series of very unfortunate events, Rob and I had a lot of time to talk over the last few weeks and I know how much he truly loved his life, his family and his friends. Besides the whole tumor thing, there is nothing he would have changed. He had no regrets. In typical Rob fashion, during this short tumor adventure, he had chosen a theme song for himself; as I write this, with tears streaming down my face, I’m listening to Bill Wither’s “Lovely Day” and hoping we can all learn something from his eternal optimism.

We are so unbelievably grateful for the love and support of our community and family and friends near and far. We were blown away with the support before he passed and I know he’s looking down now with a grateful heart as he sees the way you are loving us. Please be patient with us as we stumble through this unbearable grief and figure out how to navigate this world without him.

– Jenn Rex

Link to Rob’s Obituary

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