Adventure Log

This is a description of what the Adventure Log is. Below this, all posts in the Adventure Log category will show up.

Unwanted Guest Post

When Rob started this blog he made it abundantly clear that he would solely be responsible for all content; while he gave me editing rights, I was certainly not to use them. However, everything happened so fast – too fast – so I’ve been left with no other option than to break the rules and…

I Might Be Allergic to Weekend Plans

I was all set to post a nice little positive update in the middle of last week but for the second time in the last month I had too much fun planning out a beautiful fall weekend filled with friends, kids games, and maybe even a little golf (watching) and life reminded me – again…

Treatment Update & 10 Things I Like and Don’t Like

I’m a sucker for a gimmick column—Dave Letterman’s Top 10 lists, Power Rankings, Jimmy Kimmel’s Mean Tweets, etc. One of my favorite sportswriters, Zach Lowe, does a weekly ’10 Things I Like and Don’t Like,’ which perfectly encapsulates the gimmick column. Enough structure to keep the column organized and moving, but enough freedom hit what…

Pathology is Back

The Great Weight has a ‘name’ and a ‘grade.’ This is good. Or would be, if it wasn’t the one that we had been hoping to avoid. My tumor is officially a Grade 4 Glioma, called a glioblastoma, which is the most aggressive brain cancer out there. With the feedback that Dr. Weingart provided throughout…

Downs and Ups and a Trip Home!

I am a huge fan of a piece of advice pulled from semi-popular 80s one-hit-wonder Baz Luhrmann. I quote it often and my inlaws and wife – descendants from a long line of born preparers and worriers – have always thought I was crazy. Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying…

The Quick Update

Wow, really? You just want to jump to… OK. Let’s do this. Who, What, Where, When, Why. Who – Rob Rex, that’s who I am a 41-year-old marketing professional and entrepreneur that up until ~2 weeks before the launch of this blog was enjoying a nice quiet life in suburban Severna Park Maryland with my…

Surgery and The Aftermath – A Story in 4 Parts

1) Surgery – The Good Part I really cannot say enough positive things about Johns Hopkins, and Dr. Weingart. My prep and surgery were handled in the Zayed Pavilion at Johns Hopkins and incredibly well run, spare no expense, highly staffed neurosurgery experience where I really don’t think I encountered anyone who had been doing…