Navigating Recursive Thoughts

A giant hole in my head, COVID rules, and potentially a couple of marbles I lost along the way before this crazy adventure even started leave me wanting to hit a lot of topics. But this is not a book, so read what you want.

There are 3 types of content

  • Adventure Log – updates on what I am going through and I’ll make sure the top couple posts always give you a quick update on what is going on.
    COVID Crazies will be a little more scattered. Did I mention that as I launch this I have been locked in a room for 1.5 weeks with at most one visitor per day coming out of a crazy physically and emotionally draining 2-week roller coaster? I’ve had a lot of time alone with my thoughts and the walls of the hospital room. You probably do not care what the inside of my left leg feels like, but my Mom needs something to read.
  • Two Introductions – 1) About Me and 2) About the Blog

There are a couple options to get started

  • If you have a minute The Quick Update is short and hits the highlights
  • If you have a few more minutes you can follow the whole story by starting and the bottom of the Main Page with the first posts then working your way back to the top for the newest updates
  • Each time you come back all the new stuff will be at the top of that main page

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