Unwanted Guest Post

When Rob started this blog he made it abundantly clear that he would solely be responsible for all content; while he gave me editing rights, I was certainly not to use them. However, everything happened so fast – too fast – so I’ve been left with no other option than to break the rules and … Read more

Pathology is Back

The Great Weight has a ‘name’ and a ‘grade.’ This is good. Or would be, if it wasn’t the one that we had been hoping to avoid. My tumor is officially a Grade 4 Glioma, called a glioblastoma, which is the most aggressive brain cancer out there. With the feedback that Dr. Weingart provided throughout … Read more

Downs and Ups and a Trip Home!

I am a huge fan of a piece of advice pulled from semi-popular 80s one-hit-wonder Baz Luhrmann. I quote it often and my inlaws and wife – descendants from a long line of born preparers and worriers – have always thought I was crazy. Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying … Read more

The Quick Update

Wow, really? You just want to jump to… OK. Let’s do this. Who, What, Where, When, Why. Who – Rob Rex, that’s who I am a 41-year-old marketing professional and entrepreneur that up until ~2 weeks before the launch of this blog was enjoying a nice quiet life in suburban Severna Park Maryland with my … Read more